Send the last week in Ontario, got back very late Wednesday night, or was it Thursday morning. Our flight was cancelled, so they bused us to a different airport to catch a later plane. I have had good luck with travelling so I guest I was due.
Had gone out for my sister-in-law's wedding. They really lucked out with the weather, as they had a garden wedding, and the Saturday was defiantly the best day weather wise. Here is a picture I took from my seat in the tent, while I was waiting for the ceremony to start. It was a lovely wedding, the ceremony was nice, the food was good, and couldn't be happier for the couple.
Being outside they allowed they dog to come, he was so well behaved and I think he enjoyed it as much as everyone else. Forgot to take a photo of him that day, he was all dressed up with a bow tie, so cute. I love his ears, one is always up and the other is always down.

I gave them the Bears paw quilt from the last post. I had spent a lot of time trying to pick out a quilt to make that was there taste, and am happy to say they loved it.
Since we been back, I have been trying to find my garden from under the weeds. Three weeks of rain follow by a week of sun has them growing like mad. I manage to tidy up the front yard, but still have a bit to do on the back.