I though I would share a couple of photo from around Heritage park. The week before the show it had rained every day here but the forecast was for sun over the weekend. My friend and I normally go on Saturday, but based on this we decided to go on Sunday to increase the change of the park being dry. It was a good decision. Fewer people go on Sunday and we could have asked for a nicer day, so as well as taking pictures of the quilts I found my self taking photo around the park

The first house we came to is Princess House, this is a beautiful house which always have quilts inside and out. This year no quilts were upstairs in any of the houses, which was nice as it can be tricking with lots of people trying to get up and down narrow stairs.

I had to take a picture of the horse and I though LM would love them.

This is the view as we walked to wards the farmhouse, this is one of my favorite areas of the park, there are always animals in the small fields around it.

These ducks made us laugh as they were busy cleaning themselves.

Quilts hanging on a fence

The hotel covered in quilts. As you can see in all these photos the sun is shining and it is a wonderful place to send an day.