It was a good retreat, I still haven't finished unpacking, I'm sure I'll get to it soon. I was running a little later Friday than I had planned, but still got there in time to set up before super. Friday night sew the machine part of the binding for a wall hanging and a couple of table runners. I will put there by my chair and finish then off in the next couple of weeks.
On Saturday my plan was to work on my floral quilt. I started with the corner stone on the last boarder.

Once these were completed I moved onto setting the pinwheels for the same border into bigger squares. Now I just have to make the applique border and all bits will be done.

After this I just worked on a small stichery as I wanted to get off the machine. It was the first time I have taken any hand work on retreat and I must say I like the change it gave me.
We also made a take away. These fun hedge hogs, they look more like it with pins in them. Some are still in progress at the time of the photo, mine is the pink one.

On Sunday the retreat finished after lunch so I pulled out my jars, which were in the same state as I left them at the last retreat, and was able to get the blocks finished. I just love how these blocks turned out.

Now I look forward to finishing some of my Christmas items, so I can make the jars up into a table topper. It was a fun to get out of the city and be able to sew. I am happy that I am able to do this a couple of times a year.