This last weekend was retreat and it was a fun weekend. We rented a cottage near a lake and it was perfect for the small group. 9 of use had a great weekend. We are thinking of going back in the fall, but make need to find somewhere a bit larger if more people want to come.
I really enjoyed myself and even got a fair bit done. The retreat stared at lunch on Friday, but I didn't get there until closer to 3, but got to work right away.I knew that I would need a pillow for the chair and had one that just needed to be put together so that was the first thing I did.

After that I started on my purple square quilt, which I managed to finish the top for. I am so pleased with how this turned out. It was pretty straight forward and I was done by Saturday evening even with a shopping break in the afternoon.

I will share what I picked up shopping on the next post, except for some charm size square I picked up on Friday (I made a small detour on the way to retreat) and by Sunday morning I had turned them into this simple wall hanging. I think there is even enough left over for scrapping binding.

Not wanting to be done I moved onto some jar blocks for a table runner. I had been sharing fabric with one of the other girl and when she started on her block (which she got finished) I had to start on mine. I think they will be great.

I will share more of what the other girls were working on next post.