Merry Christmas. This will be my last post for the year. We are going to the in-laws for Christmas and between my FIL and DH I have a very slim change of any computer access. They are also on dial up, so I get impaction.
On Saturday we went and had picture with Santa, and it went well. LM was full of smiles. Then on Sunday she came down with a nasty cold. It is the first time she has been sick and she just wants to be held. Was starting to think we would be home for Xmas, but today she started to get better. I stayed home with her, as she was too sick to go to daycare, and tomorrow DH already had the day off, so I think she be good to go Xmas eve. She is sleeping now, yesterday she wouldn't even sleep unless I was holding her, poor little thing.
Wishing every one a great Christmas and all the best in the new year.