I think I have mentioned before that this has been a long, wet winter. Well that water had to go somewhere. So plans for the weekend were changed. On Friday, we did the best we could cleaning up the mess, in the big scheme of things, there was not that much water, but a lot of things had to be moved and the cheap cupboards I was using for storage soaked up a lot of the water. On the bright side the items stored inside were fine.
On Saturday we had cleaners in and they were able to tidy up the rest of the water and dry it right out. They will be coming back so we can determine where the water is getting in and what we should do about it. From what they were saying, with it being this wet there are a lot of basements that are having issues that have not had issues in the past. Then it will be a case of putting it all back together again.
On Sunday we just relaxed and enjoyed Easter with friends.
In the mean time my sewing stuff is piled up on top of itself on the other side of the room. I am going to a retreat next weekend so it will be interesting what I can pull out of the pile to take, as I think I'll just go with what is easy to get at.
But even when there are no issues I can't always get close to my sewing machine, as LM likes to "help".