I made 6 of these. As I have a narrow table and the runner is quite wide I made these shorted than I normally would, but I had some old ones this size so I know they will work. I love the blue snowman fabric.
Last weekend I put the blocks form the BOM together, as I would have felt bad if I put it back with the UFO s.
I think I will add a border with the lighter of the blue fabrics, this is the only one, other than the background, that I started with more than a fat quarter. Will have to play as I'm not sure if I have enough fabric. I am liking the effect of the different corner stones.
I have also been a bit lucky and have receive two lovely parcels in the mail. On the left is a pattern I won on Teresa blog. I still have to go and get the templates photo copied before I can start, but thing this will be a great hand sewing project.
On the right is a gift from Andrea for guessing how many hexagons were in a pile. I love the little bag and will need to keep it away from Little Miss. The card is very cute and I think the fabric is very me. I not sure what but know I will find a great project for it.
Thanks again to both of you.