Well its that time of year, where there is more to do that you have time to do it. Our first Christmas party tomorrow, we are taking LM to my works Children's Christmas party. Hopefully it will be a good afternoon. Got my SSCS parcel in the mail earlier this week and am trying to get my family's gifts off today.
My guild does a 12 days of Christmas swap, where we buy / make 12 little gift to the person who's named you have pulled. The $ cost is meant to be low, with the last gift giving away who the giver is. Can wait to start opening mine. We all use the same bag to make it harder to tell who your secret Santa is.
I will have to share a picture off all my little presents once I start opening them. When we open them is up to us, some do on ever second day starting on the 1st of Dec, other one every day starting on the 13th( think this is what I will do), and some save them all for Xmas day.
Amongst getting Christmas stuff ready I finished this split 9 patch wall hanging. It is mad from a charm pack. It had been sitting waiting for binding as I had in m head that it should be green, but couldn't find the right one. Going to retreat I decided just to grab something that would work from my stash, just to get it done. I think this purple binding works well. It can be funny how we get ideas like that in our heads.

I am very pleased with how this turned out.