LM birthday was Saturday and it was a fun day. I have learnt that if you want someone to open all their gifts not to let them open the doll stroller first. It was her favorite gift and had to come with us when we went out in the afternoon.
Now that is done I am much more in the mood for Christmas. Had carols night at church this evening and my guilds Christmas party tomorrow night. I am really looking forward to Christmas this year.
I open my first day of Xmas gift and so far I am very happy with my Santa. Up till now I had left the present in the big bag, but now they are loss under the tree. All the brown present are from the 12 day swap and the other present you can see are from SSCS, and DH always wonder why there are more present under the tree form me than him.

hi. very good is here. bye.
Wow, wonderful gifts!
I have to ask, what is the baker for?
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