I didn't get as far on the quilting of the stack'n'wack as I had hoped, decided to outline the leaves in the border fabric, and it is taking longer that what I was originally thinking of doing. I did get three sides done when the thread started knotting, rethreaded the machine, but when it still did it, I decided it was time for bed.
I would have got it done today but I had to pack up my sewing room, as we are having carpet put in the basement on Monday. I was going to keep a few things out to do, but not sure where they ended up. At the moment the only room with flooring in the basement was the small bedroom I was using as a sewing room, the rest is concrete. Once it's all done, my stuff will be set up in the bigger room. I will have to share with the second sitting and TV area (so sad).

I also thought I would share a picture of my first quilt, this was made at a weekend class at
Freckles. They still offer this class, it was great. After the two days you walked out only having to finish the binding. I like the idea of this, for a beginner class. It is a nice store, a bit more country than I tend to be, but I can always seem to find something to buy there LOL. It is the only quilt shop I can make it to over lunch when I'm at work.
Thanks for the comments about Sheba. She is doing better, but still has a way to go.
We have to get carpet laid too...the whole house. I am dreading the packing we will have to do.
Come on Sheba, sending happy cat vibes!
I haven't tried free motion quilting....well not much of it. Hope it goe smooth for me!
I love your single Irish Chain. This is onw of my favorite patterns.
You are so lucky to have a basement! Out here in California they aren't very common. I have always wished for one so I could set up a home gym. I love your beginner quilt. I have a friend who teaches a class called "Begin With Bev" and her project is similar. People leave her class so jazzed to have completed their first quilt top.
cute first quilt- how's Sheba doing?????
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